Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 10:00am

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum has reappointed Maj. Gen. Alan Dohrmann to a six-year term as North Dakota’s adjutant general, effective July 1, 2019, citing his exceptional leadership since taking on the role in December 2015.

As adjutant general, Dohrmann commands nearly 4,100 North Dakota Air and Army National Guard members – with approximately 1,100 full-time federal and state employees – and oversees state and national missions. He also serves as director of the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services, made up of the Division of Homeland Security and the Division of State Radio Communications.

“Through periods of calm and considerable unrest, Maj. Gen. Dohrmann has demonstrated exceptional and unflappable leadership of the outstanding men and women in the North Dakota National Guard and Department of Emergency Services,” Burgum said. “In addition, his vision to enhance the Guard’s training programs and facilities at Camp Grafton and elsewhere, including partnerships to advance testing of unmanned aircraft systems, have bolstered our state’s well-earned reputation as a national leader in military training and readiness. We are deeply grateful for his service and look forward to his continued leadership.”

Dohrmann was originally appointed as adjutant general in October 2015 by then-Gov. Jack Dalrymple. Dohrmann succeeded Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, who retired in December 2015 after nine years as adjutant general.

“We have a top-notch team here in the North Dakota National Guard, and it’s an honor to be able to continue to lead and work with our superb soldiers, airmen and civilian employees,” Dohrmann said.

Dohrmann served for eight years as deputy adjutant general before assuming his current role. His military service began in 1983 when he accepted his commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. He joined the North Dakota National Guard in 1990 and has served as an operations officer for its 164th Regiment Regional Training Institute; operations officer and executive officer for the 141st Engineer Battalion; staff judge advocate; and chief of staff for the North Dakota Joint Force Headquarters. In 2009-2010, he served as commanding general of the Multinational Task Force East that supported NATO’s mission in Kosovo, commanding more than 2,200 soldiers from seven nations and serving as the senior U.S. officer responsible for security, force protection and life support for all the assigned forces.