Friday, June 29, 2018 - 10:00 am

BISMARCK, N.D. – Gov. Doug Burgum and First Lady Kathryn Helgaas Burgum, in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Human Services’ Behavioral Health Division, are inviting the general public, Native American communities, business and community leaders, behavioral health providers, university and college representatives, health care providers and administrators, addiction recovery advocates, faith-based communities, first responders, law enforcement, families and more to attend “Recovery Reinvented” on Sept. 5 in Fargo.

This daylong event from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fargo Civic Center will feature state and national addiction and recovery experts who will focus on reinventing recovery through advocacy, recovery community resources implementation and the elimination of stigma surrounding the chronic brain disease of addiction. Keynote speakers have been selected for their diverse backgrounds and contributions to the field of addiction and recovery. Backgrounds include the brain science of addiction, national broadcasting, criminal justice reform and re-entry, higher education, and national nonprofit advocacy.

Recovery Reinvented is free and open to the public. Tickets are limited and registration is required. Volunteer opportunities are available for the event. For more information, to register or to volunteer, visit Frequent updates will also be available through social media on Facebook at @GovernorDougBurgum, @flkathrynhelgaasburgum, and @RecoveryND and on Twitter at @DougBurgum, @FirstLadyND, and @Recovery_ND.

“The shame and stigma of addiction continues to inhibit people from coming forward to share their stories and find recovery, as only one in 10 people affected by this disease seek treatment. When we come together as a unified front to normalize the conversations around addiction, we can empower communities to embrace recovery,” Helgaas Burgum said.

The governor and first lady recognize that alcohol and drug use is still the No. 1 social problem in North Dakota with ramifications for the workplace, schools, communities and families. Recovery Reinvented will provide actionable steps to build recovery support infrastructure in communities, best practices to mitigate shame and stigma, and opportunities to connect with advocates committed to reinventing recovery.

“Kathryn and I remain committed to pursuing best practices and a holistic approach to addiction in our communities, as drug and alcohol abuse and overdoses continue to devastate North Dakota families and push the limits of community resources,” Gov. Burgum said.

In partnership with Recovery Reinvented, the Behavioral Health Division is hosting the North Dakota Behavioral Health Conference during the same week on September 4, 6, and 7 in Fargo. The conference provides training on best practices in mental health and addiction, from prevention to recovery. For more information, visit the North Dakota Behavioral Health Division website